ADF active Chat Sample

Oracle ADF active Chat sample application - give it a try:

The application, deployed on Amazon Beanstalk on Red Hat OpenShift java platform, is a simple JSF2 beans and plain java chat implementation. Data push is provided by ADF active data service (ADS) functionality.

ADF active Chat live sample is intended to provide an impression about ADS for the readers considering a data push functionality for their ADF applications.

Note: as stated in documentationADS does not support active data in web browsers that have popup blockers enabled. Check browser popup blocking settings first, in case the sample doesn't behave like a chat.

User Guide

Pick a user name, (optionally) select/deselect  Active data visible check box to see/hide the output of data push control messages, press Go to Chat and type some message.
The last 20 messages are displayed in chat window.

Happy chatting :)

The description of this sample is available in this blog post.


  1. Notice: a chat sample was running on Beanstalk about a year and was moved to OpenShift free.teer platform two months ago. Since than it was running quite stable. For some reason it has got inaccessible today:

    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
    The proxy server could not handle the request GET /ADFChatSample-1.0-SNAPSHOT/faces/login.

    Reason: Error reading from remote server

    Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80

    Have to find some time to investigate this issue with OpenShift platform...

  2. Update: the sample seems to be up and running now...
